Snacks and Treats
Notes on this page:
Not all the recipes necessarily make it to this front page (through forgetting, or just haven’t got around to it yet), so you’re likely to find more recipes by using the search option above, or just scrolling through the most recent posts chronologically.
Further, many of the earlier recipes were made when I was an egg free vegetarian (from about 1997 onwards, as I realised my body rejected meat, fish, eggs, etc.). Then in about 2018 I finally realised all those weird other symptoms I’ve been getting for most of my life were from a dairy allergy too.
All new recipes are therefore now made vegan, with vegan alternatives to cheeses, cream, milk, etc. expected where not explicity stated. I haven’t updated all the older ingredients to specifically reflect this, but in the lifetime of this blog, vegan alternatives to standard non-vegan ingredients have thankfully become commonplace.